We hope you’ll join us for an upcoming event soon! Typically we send event info directly to 1st gen CoE students via email, but we will keep this page updated as well.
October event #1:
1st Gen Engin program welcome event: we are offering this event on two days at two different blocks of time to increase attendance (please choose a day to join us!). All CoE undergraduate first gen students are welcome and encouraged to attend.
-Location: 1180 Dude (for both days)
-Days/Times: Monday, Oct. 21st from 11am-1pm & Tuesday, Oct. 22nd from 4-6pm
-Drop by any time while we’re there to meet the 1st Gen Engin team, learn about our program, offer feedback, grab food + swag and have some fun!!
October event #2:
UM football stadium tour: join the 1st Gen Engin and METS programs as we enjoy a guided tour of the UM football stadium. We will get to see suites on the inside and have a chance to go into a locker room and take pictures on the field.
-Location: UM football stadium aka “The Big House”
-Day/time: Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 3pm (tour is expected to last 1.5 hours)
*1st Gen Engin students must RVSP through form provided via email to the group
November events:
1st Gen on North – join us in the Chrysler Center Lobby from 2-3pm to celebrate national first gen college student week!
Thankful/Community Dinner – join us in 265 Chrysler Center from 4:30-6pm for dinner, fun, community building, games, etc.
December event:
Annual ice skating at Yost!
Check your email for invite and to RSVP!
-Location: Yost Skating Arena
-Day/Time: December 10th from 7-9pm